A world-wide problem, cattle are killed and the body is left in various yet similar conditions. On studying the body, it has been found that the body has been 'totally' drained of blood and that there has been no trace of blood, no signs of a struggle, footprints or tyre tracks found anywhere on the ground around the body. In many cases the owners heard nothing the night of the mutilation. The typical cattle mutilation has shown repeatedly, huge oval shaped incisions around the jaw bone and in most cases the exposed jaw is completely removed, and the tongue removed from a precise incision deep in the throat.

Also observed is the additional removal of at least one (1) eyeball, the utters on the female are most always removed and the sexual organs on both sexes are also most always removed. All organ removal and incisions are done with surgical precision, and in some cases the evidence of cauterization along the incision lines has led investigators to believe the use of some sort of high heat cutting device has been administered, suggesting the strong possibility of a laser. Bones were also clearly cut with no bone fragments around the cut. UFOs and strange "Black"unmarked helicopters have been linked with these mutilations since they have been sighted at the same time in the same area where the mutilated bovines have been found. Equally disturbing, is the fact that there has NEVER been a conviction of any human accused of committing such a cruel and hideous act. Some may ask, "If done by UFOs, why would they be interested in cattle ?" And the answer to that may lie in the fact that cattle blood is so similar to humans that it is regularly used in the lab to create human blood plasma. Indicating the aliens may be studying the cattle, to find out more about us!

Various incisions would also be found on the body that were so clear cut that they would have had to have been done with some sort of laser technology that we didn't have when the mutilations started (before 1970). Bones were also clearly cut with no bone fragments around the cut. The bodies would be missing various parts which had also shown to have been removed with accurate precision. UFOs have been linked with these mutilations since they have been sighted at the same time in the same area where the mutilated bodies have been found. Mutilations are differentiated from accidental or predatory death for several reasons. Chief among them is the manner in which the flesh has been removed from the body. Cauterization (the fusing of tissue and blood vessels by heat or chemical means) seems to be typical of mutilations. Unlike animal attack, the flesh, adjoining the area where it has been removed, is smooth and clean as if cut with a searing or laser scalpel. As well, the areas chosen for removal are quite strange. Mainly the sexual, anterior digestive tract and sensory organs are affected.(No predator differentiates so precisely). Still, no tracks of any kind can be found around the mutilation site, except, sometimes, tripod marks. Also, no carrion eaters will touch the mutilated cow even though it has plenty of flesh still left to be eaten.

Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Alabama, Puerto Rico, Canada, and as far away as South America, have been home to such mutilations. Speculation that it is the work of secret US government groups (paramilitary or spy)or Satanic cults therefore seem too far fetched. Surely the US government would have their own stock of cows for an experiment of this nature. Satanic cults would need to have enormous resources to carry out this type of operation throughout the world. Ranchers have witnessed strange, unmarked black helicopters fly over their herds where they will later find mutilated cattle. Some have even witnessed strange lights in the night sky previous to finding bodies. There are those who believe that the mutilations are occurring as a random radiation test by extraterrestrial visitors whose purpose is to safeguard humanity against nuclear annihilation.

Rancher C. E. Potts found one of his prize bulls alongside of the road one summer afternoon in 1990 ,late July. "We were passing down this road, and there was a thunderstorm a coming up behind us. We smelled this animal as we come by. We came back to check on it, and found it was mutilated. We examined it and its sexual organs was taken out. Its eyes were taken out, and its eyelashes were taken out. Well, there wasn't no predators. Not a predator bothered it since it was dead even. Couldn't have been killed by a predator cause all the surgical work was done by an expert. I really didn't think anything of it till it come home to me. Now I know it was bound to have been mutilated cause anyone who could see good could tell it was.

Rancher Burl Lewis found his three year old horse, Snippy, dead with her flesh, from the base of the neck, stripped clean off. Fellow rancher and friend Harry King called Mr. Lewis when Snippy did not show up at his ranch for her customary night drink. Upon examination of the horse, pathologists found that the brain and the abdominal organs had been removed without incision. Also, Snippy was not decomposing normally. Mrs. Lewis found a mysterious, burning metal tool with horse hair on it near where Snippy was found. Researchers promptly lost the instrument.

Ms. Kathie Riney, 13 years old, and her parents watched in horror as a luminous UFO sat above their neighbor's barn. The following morning, they, along with their neighbors, searched the barn where the UFO had hovered. An electrical pole was knocked over, angel hair strands were strewn over the property. Most alarmingly, the neighbor's newest bull calf had disappeared.

Mr. Harold and Roberta Flexter recounted their sighting in the Fairfield Press. "My husband and I were at the farmhouse watching a cow that was to have a calf. We were waiting in the field sitting in our truck with the lights on and I saw this light coming up from behind some trees and it went real high in the sky and then it just hovered there. At first Harold and I did not think much about it because we were worried about the cow. I would glance at it once in a while and it was still there; it looked like a great big light. We thought it might be a star but Harold said it was too big for a star, so we watched it for about 45 minutes. In the meantime the cow had moved so we started the motor and was moving when the light began to move. I told Harold to stop and turn the lights and motor off. That light was moving real fast and did not make any noise; at least, if it did, we did not hear it. I could see the form of it as it went overhead. When I first saw it, it was a big light and when it moved overhead it looked like a kite shaped object. There was a big light on the front and on the back was a red light which was smaller. As I said, it went real fast and after it passed overhead it looked like the red light was closer to the big light. It faded away and then we had to get the vet for the cow. She had a dead calf. The vet said it was coming too soon. We did not know what to think of it."

"The very first one we had was southwest of Sterling. When we first looked at it, it was unbelievable that you could take an animal and do this to it without leaving some kind of tracks or evidence behind such as cigarette butts, matches, hand prints, footprints, but there was nothing. The animal looked almost horrible, and it was something I didn't want to believe then. And, we probably had five or six others before I believed something strange was going on. We had one up north that we believe the animal was paralyzed and was alive while it was being mutilated. An eye, and an ear, the tongue, the rectal area were taken out. The animal had dug a hole with its head, but none of the other parts of the body moved," former Sheriff of Logan County Tex Graves who investigated 93 mutilation cases said.


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